The New Jerusalem Anointing Oil Pomegranate Essential Oil
Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Israel and Pomegranate
In Song of Songs, the bride’s cheeks are likened to the halves of a pomegranate and blossoming pomegranates indicated the awakening of love. It’s protective rind, red flesh, sweet juice, multitude of seeds, and restorative properties inspired many a poet and lover through the ages. The Bridegroom in the fourth chapter ofSong of Songs exclaimed, full of praise and adoration, “A garden locked is my sister, my spouse, a spring shut in, a fountain sealed. Your plants are an orchard with pomegranates ...”
The pomegranate has also been revered for centuries as a religious symbol of resurrection and new life. With more than 600 seeds packed within it's crimson walls, the pomegranate has been an artistic symbol of fertility and abundance. But it’s the juice of this fruit, with its sweet-sour qualities and nutritional benefits that captured the imagination of cooks and researchers alike.
Pomegranates occur in the Bible in a number of contexts. They were linked to the Temple of old where they gloriouslyadorned the pillars at its entrance and were also, by divine instruction, attached to the skirt of the High priest. These colourful and decorative pomegranates were alternated with small golden bells which symbolically portrayed the Fruit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Imagine this, they were even brought back by the spies who spied out the Promised Land to be placed on show before the entire congregation.
As stated the pomegranate was highly recommended in ancient times for it's medicinal properties and was admired for it's prolific seeds representing fertility and regeneration. The pomegranate is considered a “super fruit” because it is tremendously rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against the effects of free radicals. Free radicals can damage cells, and play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Just as antioxidants protect our bodies from free radicals, love in the body of Messiah, protects us from the free radicals that our archenemy Satan produces, which can damage and destroy us from within.May the fruit of love, symbolized by the pomegranate, be found in abundance in our lives.
This is the oil of love
Scriptures related with this oil can be found on:
Exodus 28:33
Num 13:23-26
Song of Songs 4:3
Song of Songs 6:7
Song of Songs 6:11; 7:12
Song of Songs 4:12,13
1 King. 7:18
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